Babatunder Fashola Net worth (Updated 2023)

Babatunder Fashola net worth is estimated at around $20 Million (N13 Billion in Naira) Also according to the Information obtained it was state that there was a railway station that was named after him in the city of Lagos the rail station is located in Agene


Babatunder Fashola is a Nigerian politician and also a lawyer he serves as the ruler of Lagos state from 2007 to 2015 and currently he is the minister of works and housing he is listed among the hardworking politicians in Nigeria

There is no doubt that Babatunder Fashola is recognize for the notable work he has been doing he is currently the minister of works and housing

Babatunder Fashola was appointed when president Muhammad Came into power in 201 he is among the few politicians that were trusted by the president himself he is well known all over Nigeria

Babatunder Fashola has been a member of the APC for the past 7 years he joined the party since when it came into existence.

According to some rumors on the internet it was clearly stated that Bola Ahmad Tinubu was his mentor but the rumor isn’t clear yet

Been among the hard working politicians in Nigeria he has a tons of people that ask for his net worth on the internet and that’s why we have this content here written down

babatunde fashola net worth

Babatunder Fashola has made a great achievement and also he has made a lot of fortune from what he has been doing but that does makes him among the richest people in the city of Lagos state

Right now we are going to look into Babatunder Fashola net worth by evaluating how much he has been making from the government

So let’s dive into Babatunder Fashola net worth

Babatunder Fashola Career and Net worth

Before we get to Babatunder Fashola net worth we need to look at his political background first so that we know who he is

Babatunder Fashola was born and raised in the city of Lagos state the professional politician was born on the 28 of june1963 right now he is getting to 60 years old.

According to his information it shows that he has done a lot of notable work in the city of Lagos and he is well recognize before he started his political career he has work with Bola Ahmad Tinubu sources stated that he is the Chief of staff of Lagos in 2005 during Tinubu Regime.

Babatunder Fashola is among the people that changed the city of Lagos state entirely he has brought a lot of development in the city of Lagos stated and people have acknowledge that

The main reason who we have this content establish is to know Babatunder Fashola net worth so let’s start evaluating how much money he has been making from the Nigerian government

Babatunder Fashola Income from Politics

Babatunder Fashola is a great politician and he is a huge assets in Nigerian politics considering his previous work in the city of Lagos state president Muhammad Bukhara appointed him as the minister of works and housing.

Also according to the Information obtained it was state that there was a railway station that was named after him in the city of Lagos the rail station is located in Agene

Babatunder Fashola has made a lot of work for the city of Lagos and since before he was elected as the governor of Lagos state he is deeply into politics just like mentioned earlier Bola Ahmad Tinubu is his  mentor in Politic.

For us to know Babatunder Fashola net worth we need to know the amount  of money he has made from the politics that he does

Well according to Wikipedia here are the list of political positions he has held in the years of his career

  1. Governor of Lagos state
  2. Member of Lagos state executive council
  3. Member of state tenders board
  4. Secretary of the lands subcommittee of the transitional work group
  5. Minister of works and housing

When our hard working team has rounded up the number from all the salary that he has earn from each office we found out that roughly he has made over $20 Million which is a lot of money

Babatunder Fashola Net worth 2023

Babatunder Fashola net worth is estimated at around $20 Million (N13 Billion in Naira) Also according to the Information obtained it was state that there was a railway station that was named after him in the city of Lagos the rail station is located in Agene

  1. kashim shettima 

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